Unearthing the Lost

Hey there! I’m Keith Wiggins, and photography of abandoned places is my passion! My goal is to preserve these places by photographing them. Here is where you may find some of my work.

About Me

I am a web designer, hobbyist photographer, and long-time enjoyer of Harajuku fashion—living in Mayday City, Massachusetts.I’ve enjoyed the beauty of abandoned places ever since I was a child.Now that I am older, I wish to immortalize these wonderful places through photography.

What is this?

This is a fake blog for a webnovel I am writing where the main character has a photography blog. All people, places, and events shown here are purely fictional (any resemblance to anything in real life is just a coincidence).You… probably already know that, though, since you’ve made it to this page in the first place. Uhh, I’m just adding this in the rare chance that some other person stumbles upon this